Partners - Caspi Group - Industrial Catering Equipment


🇮🇹 Kitchenware dedicated to chefs and enthusiasts. Paderno is leader in professional cookware, since 1925.


🇪🇸 Fagor is Spain’s largest appliance company, producing a wide range of industrial appliances, including washing machines, refrigerators and ovens.

Today, Fagor is a world leader in the production of industrial equipment.


🇮🇹 Venix is a young company, formed only in 2013. In just a few years, however, we have grown to impressive international dimensions and now boast a presence in over 90 countries around the world. The Venix brand is now recognised and appreciated everywhere.


🇮🇹 KASTEL stands out as a leader among the manufacturers of equipment in the Ho.Re.Ca world dedicated to wash-ware and icemakers. Kastel is driven by a unique winning formula: innovation, experience and attention to detail.


🇨🇿 sving offers:  Stainless steel cutlery ; Tabletop porcelain; Drinking glass; Bar equipment; Restaurant equipment; Kitchen equipment; Appliances.


🇹🇷 kayalar product groups include cooling devices, cooking appliances, kitchen auxiliary equipment, set top products, dishwashing equipment, field kitchens and more than 2500 product types. It cooperates with the world’s leading companies that add value to the sector, and imports the products needed, and sells these products both domestically and internationally.


Spain flag package - Country flags Arcos –  the leading Spanish knife manufacturer and one of the oldest knife and fork manufacturers in the world. In 1745, Don Juan de Arcos began handcrafting the first knives and scissors marked with the Arcos brand, many of which are on display at the National Museum of Archeology in Madrid.


🇹🇷 INOKSAN is a professional kitchen appliance manufacturing company founded in 1980.